Soccer signups are open! If you have a student in 3rd-8th grade who would like to play soccer with their Cape Tiger classmates, sign them up to play for FREE! Practice begins the first week of February and will be held at school gyms throughout the district at 6:00 p.m.
We can't wait to welcome our students back for 2023 on Wednesday, January 4th! We hope all of our students and their families had a wonderful winter break. Here's to making 2023 a fantastic year!
Don't miss out as CHS Thespian Troupe #1508 presents You Can't Take It With You! Opening night is Thursday, December 1st at 7:00 p.m. The show will run through Saturday, December 3rd. Come support these talented students for our first show of the year!
JE Elementary Pre-K pumpkin patch week. Sponsored by the Cape Girardeau Public Schools Foundation. At the end of the hands on learning week each student was able to pick and take home a pumpkin.
Come cheer our Tigers to victory Saturday as we host Fort Osage in the State Class 5 Football Semi-Finals! The tailgate starts at 11:00 a.m. We'll be cooking up free hamburgers, hotdogs and more! Please note, fans will have to purchase tickets online ONLY at Tickets are $8. Kickoff for Saturday's game is set for 1:00 p.m. Wear your orange and black!
Football State Quarterfinal Information!
Cape Central at MICDS
Saturday, November 19th
1:00 p.m.
Address: 101 N. Warson Road, St. Louis, MO 63124
Tickets must be purchased online at:
$8.00 per person - 6 and under free
You can live stream the game at MSHSAA.TV . You must purchase access for $10.60.
Join us this Thursday for our Supporter & Alumni Event at Cape Country Club from 4:30 to 6:30.
Due to the boil water advisory in Cape, there will be no school on Tuesday, October 4, 2022.
Cheer on the Tigers as we host Jackson! Junior high and middle school tailgate begins at 5:30 p.m. on the north end of the stadium. Let’s go Tigers!
Would you like to learn more about protecting your child in the digital world? Attend the FREE event on Tuesday, September 27th at 6:30 p.m. hosted by Southeast Missouri Network Against Sexual Violence (SEMO-NASV). The guest speaker is private investigator and social justice advocate Melissa J. Straub who will be educating families on how to keep their kids safe online.
For more information, visit the link below:
Catch up with the latest student stories, events, and news updates. It's everything CGPS, in your pocket.
If you haven't already, download the app!
Download for Android
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The Foundation was proud to provide prizes for staff as CGPS welcomed employees back hosting its annual Opening Day at Kinder Hall on the Cape Central High campus. This year's theme was Willy Wonka with Dr. Glass, the district's superintendent, dressed as the main character. The Oompa Loompas, Veruca Salt and Augustus Gloop were all in on the fun! Things got a little sticky when the games kicked off, which included a race to feed Augustus the most items dipped in chocolate syrup! Participants won cash, gift cards and other items. This year's event featured Dr. Ed Leoni as the guest speaker and wrapped up with a staff karaoke contest. It was a fun day and we are ready for an awesome year with our students!
Cape Central High Swimming and Diving Head Coach Dayna Powell has been named the Missouri Interscholastic Swimming Coaches Association's (MISCA) 2021-2022 Girls Class 1 Coach of the Year!
Congratulations, Coach Powell! We are so proud of you!
Thank you to the PORCH for donating to the Cape Public Schools Foundation to help sponsor our girls mentoring at Cape Central High School and Terry W. Kitchen Central Junior High.
Every job within our school district is crucial to the health and success of our students. Without cafeteria staff, we cannot feed our children.
As you likely know, a number of our students depend on the school to provide two nutritious meals a day because their home situation does not provide this for them.
Some of our students only eat while they are at school.
Let that sink in.
If you are looking for a meaningful way to give back, please consider applying to work in one of our cafeterias. YOU WILL BE MAKING A DIFFERENCE!
We need your help!
Apply today:
The Cape Girardeau Public Schools Foundation is working on a fun, exciting way to kick off the new school year. Stay tuned for more information on an event that will provide FREE fun for the whole family!
We are providing school supplies to families in need again this year. If your family needs help purchasing school supplies, please take a moment to fill out our school supply assistance form by following the link below.
The Cape Career & Technology Center squad had an outstanding showing at Skills USA Nationals in Atlanta. We saw a record number 13 competitors this year. Results are below! Congratulations to these students, their families and our awesome CTC instructors!
Marissa Tankersley & Brandon Thurm 4th place finish (Post-secondary Television Video Production)
Mariah Griffith (Cape Central HS) - 4th place finish (Secondary Early Childhood Education)
Dylan Jordan - 16th place finish (Post-secondary Electrical Construction Wiring)
Noah McRaven & Anwyn Suhr (both of Cape Central HS) - Awaiting results (Secondary Digital Cinema Production)
Zander Stewart (Cape Central HS) - 22nd place finish (Secondary Internet-working)
Marcus Caruso & Jayden Butcher - Awaiting results (Post-secondary Digital Cinema Production)
Toby Sloan (Woodland HS) & Lani Bleil (Cape Central HS) - Secondary EMT
Ren Asmus (Jackson HS) & Emilia Petot (Jackson HS) - Top 10 finish (Secondary Audio Radio Production)
Our websites are currently under construction!
We LOVE celebrating students and staff, which is why we're excited to share that we are working hard on improving our website. Please be patient with us over the summer as we continue to update pages and make our website easier for you to use.
Cape Central High's Air Force JROTC has been selected to receive the Distinguished Unit Award. The award is granted to teams ranked in the top 25% of the country based on their co-curricular teams, Corps activities, and community service. We are proud of our cadets for working so hard and representing us well!