Drop Off and Pickup Procedures
Morning Drop Off
Students may be dropped off in the back of the building from 7:30 am to 8:00. There is no supervision before 7:30 am. If you are dropping your student off after 8:00 then the student is dropped off at the front of the building. Please do not drop students off in the front before 8:00 am to reduce traffic congestion when buses, day cares, and preschool are unloading. Walkers may enter the building from either the front door or the back door between 7:30 and 8:00 am. After 8:00 am they will need to walk around to the front of the building.
All students will go to the cafeteria until 7:45. Students not eating breakfast will be released to the classroom at 7:45. Breakfast will be served until 8:00 am.
The tardy bell rings at 8:15. Any student not inside his/her classroom when the bell rings will be counted tardy. When dropping off your student please, drop off early enough for the student to be in the classroom by the tardy bell.
Dismissal Procedures
Students whose parents are walking up to the building to pick them up are released on the playground at the gym door. Parents will walk across the playground and wait at the gym door. Students are checked out to the parent through our KidAccount app. (Cars are not allowed to drive onto the playground blacktop.) We will not release a child to a waving parent from a car on the street.
Students who walk home independently will be dismissed with the walker supervisor.
Car riders are picked up in the back. Again, students are not released to a waving parent from a car across the street. Students must be picked up in the car; they will be scanned out through our KidAccount app. Parents will need to show their students scan card when they pull into the pick-up line.
If you must come in after 2:45 and sign out your child, please park in the east parking lot in front of the kindergarten playground. This will keep the bus/daycare lane open.
Please remember these guidelines are for student safety. Thank you so much in advance for helping us with these procedures.